Agreement for Transfer of the Roger Knoebber Archive (2022)

 [not pictured]

6-page (recto only) agreement between Cosmo Knoebber [son of Roger Knoebber, former holder of the materials] and Demi Raven for the transfer of the Roger Knoebber Gysin (and Burroughs, etc) Archive, including two Appendix pages ("Items Exempted"; "Items Added"). Accompanied by a print-out of "The Roger Knoebber Gysin Collection" document compiled by Demi Raven during visits in 2021 and 2022 to Cosmo Knoebber. Also accompanied by financial materials and emails supporting the completion of transfer.

This document holds a number of conditions over the collection including:

  • an agreement to keep the archive, as received, together, in perpetuity
  • retransfer conditions and expectations, including financial obligations
  • reproduction rights and limitations
  • expected standards of care and access
  • a statement that future owners of the archive will agree to the document's conditions
  • addendums, later added materials
