Copy of the visitor's book for the "Brion Gysin Play Back" exhibition at Espace Electra, 1993
Paris, France: Espace Electra (copy of guest book), 1993.
11.75" x 8.25", twenty pages, single-sided.
A copy of twenty pages of the visitor's book for the Brion Gysin Play Back exhibition at Espace Electra, Paris, between 14 January 1993 and 13 February 1993. This is full of names that will be familiar to those who are aware of Brion Gysin's circle.
Roger Knoebber signed this book daily, often writing something. On 28 January 1993, Roger Knoebber wrote: "Dear Brion – This show is so good I'm sure you oversaw the entire thing. Sound & Light revelations here reminiscent, happy, sublime days @ #9 Git-le-Cœur. Particularly I'm digging C[?], 1961. Remember when you worked on that Blue Baby – was behind Sandoz product opposed to but refused by W.S.B. Always thought about that painting – yr. palimpsest in the grating black brain movie footage – never ever to forget – like a dream machine lip-print – the man who wears a hat with 'the brain seduced'; he casts no shadow."
Roger Knoebber also wrote a permutation poem of "Prayer to Pan" on 3 February 1993.
Among Roger Knoebber's daily visitations are the names of other visitors such as:
- Guy Schraenen
- Rosine Buhler
- Lawrence Lacina
- Hervé Binet
- Udo Breger
- John Geiger
- Karen Moller
- Philip Heying
- Bernard Heidsieck
- Regina Weinreich
- Cozette de Charmoy
- Marc Dachy
- José Férez Kuri
- Guillaume Gallozzi
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