Letter from Brion Gysin to Roger Knoebber, 7 April, 1984
Paris, France: Brion Gysin (letter), 1984.
11.25" x 8.25", single sheet, recto only, no envelope.
A letter from Brion Gysin at 135 rue St. Martin, Paris, France to Roger Knoebber in San Francisco, California.
This reads:
7 April 84
Dearest Roger,
Your palimpsest is hard to read but seems to be saying you have $500 a month. My rent is now 2500 francs [and] as of this month is $300 plus heat light telephone. We’ll be eating oatmeal together a lot.
Don’t forget your oxygen machine. We’ll hook into it together. Paris air is foul.
Breathless love,
"Don't forget your oxygen machine": Roger Knoebber suffered from emphysema, and by moving to Paris, France gave him both the opportunity to be close to his dear friend Brion Gysin, but also to receive a lung transplant without massive debt. This extended his life significantly, and Roger Knoebber died in 2004. Brion Gysin unfortunately succumbed to lung cancer in 1986. After Gysin’s death, Roger Knoebber continued to live in Paris, and spent the years 1986-1996 working on Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin.
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