Letter from Brion Gysin to Roger Knoebber, 10 April, 1963

Paris, France: Brion Gysin (letter), 1963.
letter: 10.5" x 8.25", one page, single-sided.
envelope: 4.5" x 5.75".

A letter from Brion Gysin at the Beat Hotel, 9 rue Gît-le-Cœur, Paris to Roger Knoebber in San Francisco, California.

This reads:


Dear Roger,

Just back from London with “Machine Poets” at the ICA and me on BBC Television. Big crowds drawn by Bill’s name & his piece was a real chiller. “Interview with Mr. Martin, Survivor.” We’ll be doing it again here in May for four nights at the Am Centre Theatre where we drew a crowd in December – we, that is the Domaine Poétique, a group of French poets with whom I have become associated. Poetry & projections by me. Quite a gas.

Your news sounds screwy but good. How long’s Larbi shipped out for[?] His set-up sounds special. Glad I was able to turn you on to it. Always give him & Miller my best when you see them.

Thought the Evergreen pieces were pretty gassy. That creepy dame came up with a great little piece. So fine so true. But then Wm. gets that kind of attention from them all these days. The gurls wanta join him. See Mary McC.’s piece in Encounter or the NY Book Review? Also pretty neat work. Enclosing an English effort to keep the West Coast allies happy.

Busy month ahead for me but send yr news & keep me posted.

Love, Brion


"Bill": William S. Burroughs

"always give him & Miller my best": Perhaps Henry Miller, who was living in California at that time.

"See Mary McC's piece in Encounter": Mary McCarthy’s article “Burroughs’ ‘Naked Lunch’” in Encounter, volume 20, number 4, April 1963.

"or the NY Book Review?": Mary McCarthy’s article was reprinted in the New York Review of Books in the same year.
