Letter from Brion Gysin to Roger Knoebber, 5 February, 1965
New York City: Brion Gysin (letter), 1965.
letter: 11" x 8.5", single sheet, both sides.
envelope: 4.375" x 5.625".
A letter from Brion Gysin in the Chelsea Hotel in New York City to Roger Knoebber in San Francisco, California.
This reads:
Chelsea Hotel
222 W 23 Street
Dear Roger
Thanks for your letter-card. I talked on the phone with Nick yesterday & we plan to drive out to the West Coast to see you. Leaving here (Washington) not later than the 20th & taking the southern route. I must get my driving license re-newed.
From S.F. I would go north to Vancouver to see my aged mother & then see just what I am doing.
Nothing much is happening here about anything. About the Dreamachine, nothing. Have a little cash so don’t worry about that.
Already feel better about this NY scene when I think I am getting out of it.
See you soonest.
"Nick": Nick Smart
"S.F.": San Francisco, California
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