Postcard of Brion Gysin's painting "Black Dangers", 1992

Dublin, Ireland: The Here To Go Show (postcard), 1992.
4" x 6", postcard, printed both sides.

A postcard from The Here To Go Show, Dublin, September-October, 1992, showing "Black Dangers", a painting by Brion Gysin, on recto.

On verso is a quote from William S. Burroughs: "Brion Gysin is the only modern painter to have captured the space-eye view, in which time is spread out spatially on the canvas. Here is the outskirts of Marrakech... look, there is a transparent car, and there is one bit more solid. This is a time section. When you walk down a street that you have travelled many times before, you are seeing not only the cars and motorscooters and bicycles and people who are here now, but also the ones you remember from years ago, forward and backward in time."
