Postcard of Brion Gysin's painting "Marakech", 1992

Dublin, Ireland: The Here To Go Show (postcard), 1992.
4" x 6", postcard, printed both sides.

A postcard from The Here To Go Show, Dublin, September-October, 1992, showing "Marakesh", a painting by Brion Gysin on recto.

On verso is both a brief quote from Brion Gysin with a poem about Brion Gysin by Anne Waldman:

His voice:
knowledgeable, hip,
'behind the scenes'
Internationally elegant
with an edge
& is always
'avant' eye
friend to young
He'd say to me
'& how's your Mama?'
accent on the 2nd 'ma'
(They'd known
each other
in Greece in
Thirties & she'd 
always said
how gorgeous
he was, a god Pan
at 19)
He was consummate
with birllian
knack for new
forms of brave
word & hieroglyph
Yet restless inside
He got alive
from the cut-up
discovering, for example
'before I disprairie',
playing somewhere
between despair
& disappearance
out on the desert
in prayer
