Postcard of an image of William S. Burroughs, 1992

Dublin, Ireland: The Here To Go Show (postcard), 1992.
6" x 4", postcard, printed both sides.

A postcard from The Here To Go Show, Dublin, September-October, 1992, showing en early photograph of William S. Burroughs on verso.

On recto is a longer quote from Brion Gysin: "I talk a new language. You will understand. I talk about the springs and traps of inspiration. IN SPIRATION – what you breathe in. You breathe in words. Words breathe you IN. I demonstrate Thee, the OutWord in action both visual and aural, racing away in one direction to sounds more concrete than music and, in the other, to paintings like television screens in your own head. I am better than Transducer for I show you your own Interior Space. In the beginning was the Word – been in You for a too long time. I rub out the Word and the Word in You is a word-lock like the combinations of a vault or a valise. If you love your vaults, listen no further. I spin the lock on your Interior Space Kit... I sum on the Little Folk: music from the Morroccan [sic] hills proves the great god Pan not dead. I cast spells: all spells are sentences spelling out the word-lock that is you. Stop. Change. Start again. Lighten you [sic] own life sentence... In the beginning. Word. You in the word and the word in You-Time..." 
