Roger Knoebber's performance notes for readings of Gysin's "The Poem of Poems", 1990

Paris, France: Brion Gysin and Roger Knoebber (typescript copy, annotated), 1990.
11.75" x 8.25", fifteen pages, rectos only.

Fifteen pages of a retyped The Poem of Poems by Brion Gysin, arranged and annotated for performance by Roger Knoebber.  Some changes from the original poem are present, including changes of gender ("his" --> "her", for example), as well as some omissions and additions.

This was created to support what is noted as the seventh reading of the poem by Roger Knoebber, at the Village Voice Bookstore in Paris on 23 February 1990.  

This notes the first reading at Shakespeare & Co., Paris, in June 1961.

This copy was used for two later performances, the eighth being for the BBC on 14 April 1990, and the ninth being at Poèsie Sonore at the Centré Pompidou on 6 September 1991.

This comes with the envelope that Roger stored it in.
