William S. Burroughs, Galerie K, Paris, Invitation, 16 March, 1990

Paris, France: Galerie K (exhibition invitation), 1990.
invitation: 8.75" x 6.25" (closed), 8.75" x 12.5" (open), single fold.
envelope: 6.375" x 9".

A gallery exhibition card and envelope for William S. Burroughs' exhibition at Galerie K, Paris between 23 March and 20 April, 1990, with an opening party on 23 March, 1990 between 18:30 and 21:00.

This invitation is inscribed by François de Palaminy, a later lover of Brion Gysin: "De la part de Fafa."

The invitation was mailed in an envelope to Roger Knoebber on 16 March, 1990, addressed with a handwriting that looks very much like William S. Burroughs' at that time.
