Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to James Kennedy McCann, 13 May 1996

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1996.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, both sides, carbon copy.

A letter from Roger Knoebber to James Kennedy McCann on 13 May 1996.

This letter begins with gratitude from Roger to James for sending him a number of interesting books to read.

Roger then mentions a notarized document from Terry Wilson with a a claim on all Here To Go materials and rights, signed after Brion Gysin's death. Roger notes that much of Gysin's items went after death to David Wells and to the University of Ohio, U.S.

Roger then discusses Brion Gysin's last major painting Calligraffiti of Fire, which Gysin initially willed, informally, to James Kennedy McCann. It appears that James had difficulty in formalizing that claim.

Roger then mentions the film script for The Fox, which is likely an autobiographic film proposal of James' life (one name for him being "The Fox" for an escape from the Crumlin Road gaol in Belfast, Ireland).

Roger then mentions some challenges in completing Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin.
