Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to James Kennedy McCann, 22 March 1996

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1996.
11.75" x 8.25", two sheets, rectos only, photocopied.

A letter copy from Roger Knoebber to James Kennedy McCann, dated 22 March 1996.

In this letter, Roger has committed to the title of his book on Brion Gysin (Hysteresis) and solicits a written recollection from James for inclusion in the book. 

Roger shows some paranoia about his efforts, suggesting that William S. Burroughs "has actually sent a spy" to see what he was up to, and suggests that Udo Breger – who was working on a Gysin text at the time, apparently – had "put a clamp on a source in Berlin." He also expresses a concern that the text of Hysteresis would be quickly pirated.
