Letter draft from Roger Knoebber to Ira Silverberg, c. January 1994

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1994.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, letter on recto, marginalia on verso, typed.

A letter draft from Roger Knoebber to Serpent's Tail editorial director Ira Silverberg circa January 1994.

This is a letter to garner interest in publishing his work Rupert & Beatrice, also mentioning WOO. This contains mentions of Inkblot, William S. Burroughs, John Giorno, James Grauerholz, Brion Gysin, Paul Bowles, and Philip Heying. 

This is typed on a piece of scrap paper, and on verso Roger has written the Serpent's Tail address of Ira Silverberg.
