Letter from Cherie Nutting and Jajouka to Roger Knoebber, 17 March 1993

Tangier, Morocco: The Master Musicians of Jajouka (letter), 1993.
14" x 8.5", single sheet, both sides.

A letter from Cherie Nutting on behalf of The Master Musicians of Jajouka, Tangier, Morocco, to Roger Knoebber, dated 17 March 1993. No envelope.

This letter mentione Lawrence Lacina and Steve Lacy in the context of Brion Gysin. This additionally discusses the schism between the two Jajouka groups and Cherie's frustration with a Dublin event (The Here To Go Show).  There is also discussion of some tapes of Jajouka that were entrusted to Brion Gysin that were mishandled. This audio was at one point held by David Wells, and was released by Sub Rosa as Brion Gysin: One Night at the 1001, I believe. 
