Letter from Gregory Corso to Roger Knoebber, c.1963

New York City: Gregory Corso (letter), c.1963.
11" x 8.5", typed letter, single page, recto only, signed.

Typed letter from Gregory Corso (NYC) to Roger Knoebber (California, likely), undated, likely from 1963 given the content. This is signed by Corso. No envelope. Gregory Corso and Roger Knoebber lived at the Beat Hotel at 9 rue Gît-le-Coeur at the same period.

This discusses the Peace Corps and Corso's upcoming trip to India, noting that that is where Allen Ginsberg is. The letter then talks about fellow Beat Hotel resident Nick Smart, incorporating a statement that "I don't really think the 1,000,000 megaton mamma is the messiah" – a reference to Corso's poem BOMB

This also mentions William S. Burroughs in England.

This letter was initially sent with a small drawing, which has separated from the letter, and is missing from the archive.
