Letter from James Kennedy McCann to Roger Knoebber, 20 January 1996

Hilversum, Netherlands: James Kennedy McCann (letter), 1996.
11.75" x 8.25", 4 sheets, rectos only.

A four-page letter from James Kennedy McCann on Academia Foundation letterhead to Roger Knoebber, dated 20 January 1996.

This begins with James Kennedy McCann expressing his preference for Brion Gysin's work over Burroughs'. A lack of enthusiasm is also shown by McCann for Susi Wyss, Ted Morgan, and Terry Wilson later in the letter.

James shows interest in Roger's initial proposal of a book on Brion Gysin (Hysteresis) and suggests next steps and a visit. The remainder of the letter is enthusiasm for Brion Gysin and for the project of the book.
