Letter from Roger Knoebber to James Kennedy McCann, 20 February 1997

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1997.
11.75" x 8.25", single typed sheet, both sides, signed.

A letter (possibly unsent) from Roger Knoebber to James Kennedy McCann on 20 February 1997.

Roger mentions a "lightly edited piece on Theo" [likely Theo Green] that was enclosed.

In this letter Roger addresses some potential frictions in his and James' friendship, a potential trust issue that was first voiced to Roger by James while in Philip Heying's home.

Roger also mentions a book he is working on. The title is not noted.

Late in the letter, Roger brings up the topic of some money that James apparently was to send him, which Roger needs as assistance. Initially, apparently, there was an agreement for Roger to receive $1,000 per month, likely for some writing. 
