Letter from Roger Knoebber to Nancy Ryan, 26 April 1994
Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1994.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, two sided, typed.
An exceptional letter from Roger Knoebber to poet and friend-of-Gysin Nancy Ryan, dated 26 April 1994. This is full of interesting information.
This starts with a mention of their common friend Felicity Mason and a quick overview of Roger and Brion's history, at the Beat Hotel, 9 rue Gît-le-Cœur, between 1959 and 1962, and their later years of correspondence.
Following this, a mention of John Geiger (biographer of Brion Gysin), who likely would be interested in the letters between Nancy and Brion. There is also a mention of Roger's intention to write "a memoir of Brion" – which later became Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin, to which Nancy afforded a recollection of Brion.
At the second page is an interesting statement from Roger Knoebber: "Brion paid me a great compliment one time about a year before he died. He remarked to Rosine Buhler, an art dealer, that 'Roger is more like me than anyone I've ever known.'"
Roger then remarks that this letter [as most of his letters] was typed on Brion Gysins 1946 Royal Portable typewriter. Roger also mentions that two books of his were to be published soon by Inkblot [these books, WOO and Rupert & Beatrice, were close to publication, but, ultimately, were not published in Roger's life].
The memorial in London for Felicity Mason is mentioned.
Finally, Roger recounts the event in which Brion Gysin attacked him in jealousy with a palette knife, cutting his face. Roger notes that many years later he discussed it with Brion, and Brion actually intended to kill Roger and knew where he would dispose of Roger's body. Brion blamed the attack on Gin drinking.
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