Copy of prospectus and book launch invitation for "The Love Quest", 4 September 1991.

London, England: Felicity Mason (prospectus, invitation, copy), 1991.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, both sides, photocopy.

A photocopy sent from Felicity Mason to Roger Knoebber with the prospectus for The Love Quest by Anne Cumming (a.k.a. Felicity Mason) on recto – with blurbs by William S. Burroughs, Sybille Bedford, and Quentin Crisp. On the verso is a copy of the book launch invitation for the 4 September 1991 at the October Gallery in London.  This notes that works by William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin will be shown at the launch. 

Some hand-written names and notes by Roger Knoebber are on verso.
