Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, 13 May 1990

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1990.
11.75" x 8.25", two sheets, recto only, photocopied.

A letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss dated 13 May 1990.

This starts with a discussion of Jason's forthcoming wedding. Then some comments on literature and music.

Roger then notes his interest in the Moroccan field recordings of Paul Bowles. He mentions interest in visiting Paul in Morocco to learn about the status of the Cronenberg Naked Lunch adaptation. 

Roger suggests that he and James Grauerholz are "collating, through correspondence" reminiscences of Burroughs and Gysin.

He expresses his interest in a photocopy of To Master, A Long Goodnight.
