Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, 22 July 1991

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1991.
11.75" x 8.25", three sheets, rectos only, photocopied.

A letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, dated 22 July 1991.

This starts with another apology for a delay in response, followed by comments on literature, writing, and Dumbarton Oaks.

Roger then expresses his excitement about the publishing of Writing at Risk and Brion Gysin. Then mention of Burroughs in Lawrence, Kansas and a recent heart attack that he had.

Roger mentions Dana Borden and Warten (which he calls "RAWNET" in all correspondence). 

He then discusses Rupert & Beatrice and some other items that he is working on, a common friend (Wendy Gal), and "The Roger Retread Shopping Escort Service" – a tour guide effort he had done for some income.

He ends with a mention of payment for Felicity Mason's The Love Habit, and some comments on her.
