Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, 22 January 1991

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1991.
11.75" x 8.25", two sheets, recto only, photocopied.

A letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, dated 22 January 1991.

This starts with an appreciation for the tape of William S. Burroughs sent to him earlier, and discusses literature.

The letter begins again at 4 February 1991, with an apology for the delay. Roger was in the Beaujon hospital with an irregular heart beat for a few days.

Following this is a discussion of his and Jason's fathers, some background biographical information on Roger.

Roger then discusses his works Sylvie and Anne and Rupert & Beatrice, followed by more discussion of literature.

He closes with praise of Jason's article on Leo Feigen.
