Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, 2 April 1990

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1990.
11.75" x 8.5", two sheets, rectos only, photocopied.

A letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, dated 2 April 1990.

This begins with Roger discussing Felicity Mason, noting Brion Gysin, The Love Habit, and his ongoing sensual correspondence with her. Roger then talks about his olfactory connection to women.

After that, Roger talks writing and chess for a bit, and then discusses the "Wm. S. Burroughs Show" in March [this is the exhibition at the October Gallery, London]. He mentions Udo Breger, James Grauerholz, The Black Rider [an opera by Burroughs, Tom Waits, and Robert Wilson], the WSB exhibition at Galerie K, Rosine Buhler, Fafa de Palaminy, Susi Wyss, and more.

He then discusses writing and psychoanalysis before concluding in recollection of a dinner in London with William S. Burroughs, James Grauerholz, Udo Breger, Lawrence Lacina, Fafa (François) de Palaminy, and Rosine Bühler.
