Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, 16 September 1991

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, copy), 1991.
11.75" x 8.25" (two sheets), 5.25" x 8.25" (one sheet), three sheets total, rectos only on the first two sheets, and writing on the verso of the third.

Letter copy from Roger Knoebber to Jason Weiss, dated 16 September 1991.

This includes discussion of literature, the Clifford Irving book on Elmyr de Hory, their friend Wendy, New York City, Warten, Udo Breger, Felicity Mason, Peter Owen, Jason's upcoming Paris visit, and more.

Of particular interest is the section between page one and two in which Roger recounts a trip with Nick Smart to the Hotel Chelsea in New York City to visit Brion Gysin, followed by discussion of Roger's plans for a Brion Gysin anthology.
