Letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, 26 January 1991

Brooklyn, New York: Jason Weiss (letter, articles), 1991.
11" x 8.5", three sheets, writing on rectos, article copies on the verso of pages two and three.

A letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, dated 26 January 1991.

This starts with some discussion of Jason's travels and time with family, then shifts to discussion of the progress of his "Paris novel".

Jason says that Roger's Rupert & Beatrice "baffled" him, and asks some questions about the work.

After this, some more talk of literature and a reaction to Roger's adventures.

On the back of page two and three is a copied article entitled "How the Soviets Got It Together" by Jason Weiss, as printed in The New York Times, Saturday, January 6, 1991.
