Letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, 28 January 1993

Brooklyn, New York: Jason Weiss (letter), 1993.
11" x 8.5", three sheets, writing on rectos, copies of articles on versos.

A letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, dated 28 January 1993.

Topics include Jason's progress towards a teaching position, literature, the "Paris novel" [Hustlers and Princes, not published], Marie-Odile Briot, Brion Gysin Play Back, Lawrence Lacina, Steve Lacy, William S. Burroughs, Robert Wilson, chess, common friend Wendy Gal, Roger's brother Steve, family news.

On the back of the letter are copies of reviews by Jason Weiss: Pieces of Africa by Kronos Quartet, from Jazz Forum, February 1992; an overview of the label Silex from Jazz Forum, March-April 1992.
