Letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, 6 May 1996

Brooklyn, New York: Jason Weiss (letter, article), 1996.
11" x 8.5", single sheet, writing on recto, copied review on verso.

A brief letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, dated 6 May 1996.

This starts with a note that Jason's recollection of Brion Gysin for inclusion in Roger's Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin is enclosed with the letter, with thanks for reminding him.

Other topics in this letter include family matters, the "Paris novel" [Hustlers and Princes, not published], translation work, teaching, and a visit to Paris in 1997.

On the other side of this letter is a copy of Jason Weiss' review of Selected Poems of Shmuel Hanagid, as translated by Peter Cole, published in the Village Voice Literary Supplement, April 1996.
