Letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, 14-15 March 1990

Brooklyn, New York: Jason Weiss (letter), 1990.
11" x 8.5", two sheets, writing on rectos, copied articles on versos.

A letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, dated 14-15 March 1990.

This starts with a mention of Felicity Mason, sharing her London address with Roger. Then some new on Jason's wedding date and plans. 

Jason then discusses writing, and his "Paris novel" and a book called Nature's Way that he is working on.

On the 15th, Jason asks about Roger's reading (the reading of The Poem of Poems at Village Voice Bookstore, Paris, very likely) and mentions that he will photocopy To Master, a Long Goodnight for Roger. 

Additional mentions of Jason's efforts to secure staff writing positions.

Roger's marginalia in red ink are on all pages of the letter. 

On the versos are copies of reviews by Jason Weiss: a review of Strut by Hilton Ruiz in Jazz Forum, issue 121, December 1989; a review of Claude's Late Morning by Bobby Previte, also in the same issue of Jazz Forum; a review of Orpheus Ascending by Ivo Papasov and his Bulgarian Wedding Band in Ear Magazine, volume 14, number 10, February 1990; "Zorn at Town Hall" in Jazz Forum, issue 120, October 1989.
