Letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, 12-13 February 1990

Brooklyn, New York: Jason Weiss (letter, articles), 1990.
11" x 8.5", three sheets, writing on rectos, copied articles on versos.

A letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, dated 12 February 1990. Primarily a letter on life and writing, mentioning Jason's works-in-progress Nature's Way and Hustlers & Princes

An extension of the letter on 13 February 1990 notes some interviews for staff writing and ends with a mention of Paul Bowles.

Roger Knoebber's marginalia in red ink are on all three pages.

On versos are three copies of articles by Jason Weiss: "Zorn at Town Hall" from Jazz Forum, issue 120, October 1989; a review of Orpheus Ascending by Ivo Papasov and his Bulgarian Wedding Band from Ear Magazine, volume 14, number 10, February 1990; a review of Homeing by Butch Morris in Ear Magazine, volume 14, number 10, February 1990.
