Letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, 30 May 1997

Brooklyn, New York: Jason Weiss (letter, article), 1997.
11" x 8.5", two sheets, writing on rectos, copied review on versos.

A letter from Jason Weiss to Roger Knoebber, dated 30 May 1997.

Topics of this letter include trying to find Roger at his new (post rue du Temple) address, travel to Paris, Jason's initial work on Back In No Time: The Brion Gysin Reader, other literary efforts, family news, Ramuntcho Matta, Steve Lacy, Irene Aebi, etc.

The back of this letter is a copy of a combined review by Jason Weiss called "Mexican Music", as published in Review: Latin American Literature and Arts, issue 55, Fall 1997.
