Letter carbon from Roger Knoebber to Peter Owen, 5 February 1996

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, carbon), 1996.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, recto only, carbon.

A letter carbon from Roger Knoebber to Peter Owen, dated 5 February 1996.

This is centered on Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin, and, in it Roger asks Peter's advice on adding photographs to the book. He also asks if Peter would like to view an early draft.

Roger also asks for permission to quote from Felicity Mason's books, and inquires about Felicity's nephew [Alasdair Carnegie].

Roger also notes that William S. Burroughs, Paul Bowles, Gore Vidal, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, and John Giorno all responded to his request for recollections of Brion Gysin. This is questionable, as some are missing from the archive, and certainly are not present in the book published in 2024.
