Letter carbon from Roger Knoebber to Theo Green, 27 January 1996

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, carbon), 1996.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, both sides, carbon copy.

A letter carbon from Roger Knoebber to Theo Green, dated 27 January 1996.

This notes that copies of the Gysin letters are enclosed, and mentions Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin. Roger notes that he is not offering the book to Inkblot as he doesn't think Inkblot can afford its publication [flash forward to 2024, and Hysteresis is first published by Inkblot].

Roger also mentions interest in Brion's "Statements on Art", as published in the Guillaume Gallozzi catalogue.

A copy of an unfinished letter is on the verso of this one.
