Marc Dachy's recollections of Brion Gysin, 19 May 1996

Paris, France: Marc Dachy (essay), 1996.
11.75" x 8.25", three sheets, rectos only, typed by Dachy, hand-edited by Knoebber.

Marc Dachy's recollections of Brion Gysin, for inclusion in Hysteresis: A Profile of Brion Gysin.

This is a three-page typed set of responses to Roger Knoebber's questions, with Marc Dachy's address affixed to the first page. Roger Knoebber edited on page in red ink.

This includes mentions of the Cut-Up method, Permutation Poems, the Pistol Poem, William S. Burroughs' Nova Express, The Last Museum, 10% File Under Burroughs, Terry Wilson, and more.
