Copy of the script of Roger Knoebber's "Vague à l'homme", 1994

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (typescript copy, film script, letter), 1994.
11" x 8.5", binder-clipped, 50 pages, rectos only, photocopied.

This is a photocopy of a script for a proposed semi-autobiographical documentary written by Roger Knoebber entitled "Vague à l'homme." The original is in the care of Cosmo Knoebber. This involves the singer Séverine Angèle as a presence and as a singer of the final theme.

As noted in the initial "Proposal for Documentary": "The documentary is of an autobiographical nature. It documents who Roger is, where he came from, why he is in Paris, and what he does here. The device of Séverine as the speaking consciousness of Roger will explain his sentiments without a without a narrator having to do so; also Séverine makes very brief appearances, (QUICK CUTS) in several places throughout the documentary. She appears on screen for the 3 minutes and 20 seconds it takes to sing the THEME at the very end."

This includes a number of pages of material that was set in the folder of the original script: a number of pamphlets and promotional materials for Séverine Anglèle.
