Letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, 25 February 1986, with copy

 Letter not shown by request.
Envelope not shown by request.

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1986.
4.375" x 8.625" (envelope); 11.75" x 8.25" (letter), single sheet, both sides, hand-written.

A letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, dated 25 February 1986, with its envelope and a copy of the letter.

A letter mostly describing Roger's physiological and psychological suffering – this is a few years before his lung transplant.

Roger discusses Paris as a cold place, and that he travels to Spain when he can.

The final paragraph is about his son Cosmo, his daughters Shufina and Khamoor, and his and Sarah's brother John. Roger expresses some sadness at being away from family and some discomfort in reunions.
