Letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, 21 June 1987, with copy

 Letter not shown by request.
Envelope not shown by request.

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1987.
4.375" x 8.675" (envelope); 11.75" x 8.25" (letter), single sheet, both sides, hand-written.

A letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, dated 21 June 1987, with its envelope and a copy of the letter.

The whole first page is a protracted explanation of Roger's dislike of phone conversation (and air travel).

The first half of the second page is a riff on Sarah's descriptions of her travels, and Roger notes that he is writing from the hospital, again.

Roger mentions that their mother wrote to him and is planning a visit to Sarah.

Roger then discusses the hospital again, noting that last time, he was in for "hepatitis, lung & heart problems, phlebitis, dysentery, and general malaise... [and] a small hernia." This time, pneumonia.

He ends with a suggestion to read Jeremy Campbell's Grammatical Man.
