Letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, 12 September 1998, with copy

 Letter not shown on request.
Envelope not shown on request.

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1998.
4.375" x 8.625" (envelope); 11.75" x 8.25" (letter), single sheet, both sides, typed.

A letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, dated 12 September 1998. This includes the envelope and a copy of the letter.

The first paragraph is in response to Sarah's prior letter, discussing "Galiano the sailor" and Vancouver ("Vank"). 

The following paragraph is about the estate of their mother, and the speed in which he is spending his share.

The following paragraph discusses Spain, their brother John, and sailors.

Roger then discusses a lunch at a vineyard owned by Rene di Rosa some 20 years prior, in Napa.

The following paragraph is about the World Cup.

The next paragraph discusses Turkey, Spain (again), and Prague.

The next to last paragraph is a set of recommendations for projects in Sarah's land, and then Roger concludes the letter with a comment on President Clinton and the state of the nation.
