Letter from Roger Knoebber to sister Sarah Knoebber, 23 March 1995, with copy

 This letter is not shown on request.

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter), 1995.
11.75" x 8.25", single sheet, both sides, typed.

A letter from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, dated 23 March 1995. 

Roger starts by discussing a future trip to Vancouver. He suggests that the only person he hopes not to meet is author Shawna Dempsey (The Anatomy of a Nymphomaniac), expressing a distaste for her work.

In the following paragraph he thanks Sarah for some material sent to him, and discusses the author Michael Ondaatje in colorful terms.

He then discusses the birth of his son Cosmo's child Nicholas and a planned wedding.

Roger then discusses film (Red, White, Blue, and The Last Emperor), modern dance, and his aversion to email.

Roger then discusses Hunting Dinosaurs, a book by his brother John and Louis Psihoyos, a National Geographic book.

He then adds a paragraph questioning whether nymphomania exists or not, bringing up Shawna Dempsey again, and Anaïs Nin.

Roger mentions that he has been ghostwriting and writing speeches for businessmen. He then notes that he is doing an interview with a blind dwarf who is twelve years old and has MD, yet is a very strong chess player. As always, a story teller.

He then concludes with a mention that he shaved off his moustache, and went to pick up some weed in Toulouse.
