Letter in envelope from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, 8 February 2001

Envelope not shown on request.
Letter contents not shown on request.

Paris, France: Roger Knoebber (letter, envelope), 2001.
11.75" x 8.25" (letter), 3.5" x 5.5" (envelope), one sheet, both sides, typed.

A letter in envelope from Roger Knoebber to his sister Sarah Knoebber, dated 8 February 2001, typed.

The first paragraph of the letter is an apology for late response.

The second paragraph is a meditation on his mortality, noting that he is "resigned to dying within a few years." Roger then affords his advice on aging.

Roger then discusses his writing, noting that he is publishing some short stories in Episodes in France, but notes that he is a bit sour on the "literary mileux."

He discusses Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring, and thanks Sarah for a publication called Brick.

He then offers his advice on writing reviews and comments on Sarah's home. 
