Roger Knoebber's "I stayed there for..." in "The Eighth", volume [issue] 2, 2020

Kansas City, Missouri, US.: The 8th Street Publishing Guild (book, anthology, limited), 2020.
8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25", 63 pages, 1st printing, #38/100 copies.

A copy of The Eighth, Volume [Issue] 2, 2020, as published by The 8th Street Publishing Guild (Kansas City, Missouri). This is #38 of 100 copies printed.

Roger Knoebber's text "I stayed there for..." is included at pages 51-53. This text is in the archive as a manuscript fragment of a larger work.

This books was given to Cosmo Knoebber by the publishers for the inclusion of Roger's text, and was given thereafter to be included in this archive.
