Roger Knoebber's inscribed copy of "Here to Go: Planet R-101: Brion Gysin Interviewed by Terry Wilson", Re/Search Publications, hardcover, 1982

San Francisco, California, US: Re/Search Publications (book, interviews), 1982.
8.625" x 5.5" x 1", 282 pages, hardcover without dust-jacket as issued, ISBN 0-940642-04-2.

Here To Go: Planet R-101 a book of interviews with Brion Gysin by Terry Wilson, as published in a small edition of 100 hardcover copies by Re/Search Publications (San Francisco, California, US) in 1982. There was a large softcover edition released at the same time, but this hardcover edition is very scarce.

This is Roger Knoebber's copy, inscribed by both Brion Gysin and by Terry Wilson.

The Brion Gysin inscription reads "for Roger / with love / Brion / Paris 6 dec 85".

The Terry Wilson inscription reads "and from Terry / with best wishes / for '86 – / Paris 1.86"

There are two pieces of paper tucked into the book. One is an "action list" with no writing, perhaps used as a bookmark. The other is a short note from whoever brought this copy to Roger: "I came by / as planned, / promised, discussed / but much to my / disgust and dismay / the Duke was away! / (So I'll only leave one / copy, or 'exemplaire')"

The cover of this book is worn and nicotine stained, and pages are toned, as were many of the books in Roger's care. Nevertheless, a special copy of a very uncommon edition.
