Roger Knoebber's inscribed copy of Jason Weiss' "Writing at Risk: Interviews in Paris with Uncommon Writers", 1991

Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Press (book, anthology, interviews), 1991.
9.125" x 5.375" x 0.625", 213 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-87745-349-7.

Roger Knoebber's copy of Jason Weiss' Writing at Risk: Interviews in Paris with Uncommon Writers by Jason Weiss, as published by The University of Iowa Press (Iowa City, Iowa, US), in 1991.

This contains a chapter with an interview with Brion Gysin, pages 57-84.

Jason inscribed this copy for Roger: "For Roger, / The buddy who knows / what's cooking – / Love, / Jason / 23 XII 91"

Somewhat nicotine stained. A small metro ticket serves as a bookmark in the book.
